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Here is a selection of our latest projects.

Our projects focus on providing basic provisions for young people and families, running extra-curricular activities, and projects that increase cultural experiences which help cultivate a passion for life.  

If you would like to hear more about our previous projects please get in touch with us, or to keep up to date please subscribe to our newsletter (you can sign up below!)

Alternatively, if you are interested in running a project with us you can get in touch with us at

We are currently working alongside The Pilion Trust and Whitehall Park's Saint Andrew's Church on a pilot project. This is a family drop-in for refugees and migrants, offering ESOL classes, Stay & Play, specialist advice, clothing and a food bank.

We are currently working with The Pilion Trust to open a fresh food bank in North London. Using produce from local vendors such as Greens of Highagte, we will bring together the local community to help struggling families and young people. 

We are currently creating a programme called 'Allies Kitchen'. This is a healthy lifestyle cooking class that has young people shown how to cook in healthy substanial food. 

We are currently creating a programme called 'Allies Kitchen'. This is a healthy lifestyle cooking class that will teach how to cook healthy meals

Here are a selection of our previous projects

We worked in a local school offering a mentoring program for pupil premium students which was a great success with all the participants.

We addressed many of the issues these young people faced by increasing resilience and confidence in learning, and taking them to activities outside of school.  

We ran a screen printing workshop at the Crashpad - a young people's homeless shelter run by the Pillion Trust. Over the course of a few weeks each attendee designed thier own logo and learned how to screen print it. They were then able to sell the prints they had created at a local fair. This helped to develop a sense of independance and the attendees started to think seriously about thier own creativity as a means to create a buisness. 

We facilitated the Arsenal Doubles Club at Acland Burghley school. This Club offered an hour of Literacy followed by an hour of football. Being offered the chance to train under the umbrella of Arsenal was hugely exciting to those  young students.

With sponsorship from Tootoomoo, we were able to take a group of young people to the beach, many of whom had never been outside of London. We are looking into extending this programme and having a day’s holiday outing every year for a group of the young people we support.

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