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Recent studies show there are now more foodbanks than there are McDonald's in the UK. 

Here at AWTF we try our best to meet the needs of those who are most vulnerable in our local community. This includes supporting individuals and families by providing food packages. The provisions we provide rely on the donations we receive from our cherished donors. However, recently the need for these provisions has been growing exponentially, and we aim to meet those needs as best we can.

Over 50% of Londoners living in poverty come from a working household. The cost of living is not being covered by wages or available hours or contracts. During the winter many families can struggle, with foodbank usage and food poverty on the rise across the UK many families are reliant upon the school system's lunchtime offerings to keep their children fed through the day. When the winter holidays arrive, they are greeted with dread and fear as the struggle to make ends meet worsens. We are trying our best to make sure that no child we can help should go hungry this winter.  Christmas is a time of giving, of family and of plenty. Every TV advert and every shop window is showing the abundance of Christmas time, while many Londoners are going without basics such as food or adequate clothing.


So we humbly ask that you consider making a donation to our winter 2019 appeal which aims to raise £10,000 to provide adequate supplies to some of our local community's most vulnerable families, children and individuals.

Food donations are also welcome!

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Next time you pop to the shops, consider throwing in an extra tinned good or packet of cereal for us too. Why not pack a cardboard box with non-perishable goods and drop them to us before Christmas? 

Every little helps! 

Look at the images on the right for some ideas of what you could give. We aim to supplement our food banks food parcels with some fresh ingredients to create a parcel that looks something like the image below. 

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